Early Periodontal Disease

smiling periodontal patient

Early periodontal disease

Periodontal disease is a common infection that affects the gums. Once it has taken hold, it causes many problems, including bad breath, gum inflammation and bleeding, and tooth loss. In addition, recent scientific research suggests that periodontal disease can contribute to the development of other chronic health conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

The negative consequences of periodontal disease are significant. Accordingly, it makes sense to do everything you can to prevent and treat the disease before the damage becomes irreversible. In this article, we will discuss early periodontal disease and provide tips on recognizing and treating your gum problem.

Early periodontal disease

The earliest stage of periodontal disease is often called gingivitis and is characterized by an inflammation of the gum tissue. The gum tissue becomes inflamed due to the buildup of tartar (also called calculus) on the teeth and below the gum line. Tartar is a hardened plaque that cannot be removed with regular brushing and flossing.

Common symptoms of early periodontal disease

Prospective patients often ask whether it is possible for them to determine if they have early periodontal disease. While it’s always best to seek out a professional opinion, some symptoms indicate the existence of early periodontal disease. The most common symptoms are listed below:

Bad breath
Red or inflamed gums
Sensitive gums
Bleeding gums
• Receding gums

Treating early periodontal disease

The treatment of early periodontal disease involves a combination of gum disease self-care (at-home dental care) and professional periodontal treatment.

Gum disease self-care

Gum disease self-care is an essential element in treating the infection. Daily brushing and flossing removes bacteria and prevents plaque from building up on the teeth and gums. We recommend brushing your teeth 2-3 times per day with a soft-brisled brush. Flossing is also necessary to remove plaque and food particles stuck between your teeth.

Holistic health is a critically important, though often overlooked, component of early periodontal disease treatment. Periodontal disease is an infection of the gum tissue. Your body and immune system must be functioning properly to fight the infection. Improving your diet and eliminating potentially harmful practices such as smoking and excessive alcohol consumption can significantly improve your chances of getting rid of periodontal disease for good.

Professional periodontal care

Professional periodontal care can stop the progression of early periodontal disease before it causes tissue damage. The most common treatments for early periodontal are below:

  • Periodontal cleaning: During a periodontal cleaning, tartar and plaque are removed from the teeth and below the gumline. With these irritants removed, the gums can return to their normal state.

  • Root planing: Root planing (also called deep cleaning) is performed when more intervention is needed. It involves smoothing the surface of the teeth's roots to decrease gum inflammation and encourage healing and reattachment of the gum tissue.

  • LANAP laser treatment: LANAP is similar to the treatments above because it involves removing tartar and smoothing the root surfaces. But instead of employing traditional instruments, LANAP is performed with a specialized laser. This laser can clean the teeth and gums while also eliminating bacteria and stimulating gum reattachment and bone growth.

We can stop your early periodontal disease

Our periodontal professionals have decades of experience identifying and treating periodontal disease. We genuinely care for our patients and want to help you save your teeth and improve your oral health. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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