Gingival Hyperplasia

gingival hyperplasia treatment

Gingival hyperplasia is a medical condition characterized by overgrowth of the gum tissue. Unfortunately, the growth of excess gum tissue makes oral hygiene more difficult and often starts a dangerous cycle. If left untreated, the gum tissue can cover the entire surface area of the teeth, leading to intense sensitivity, bleeding, and bad breath.

Gingival hyperplasia

There are several possible causes of gingival hyperplasia. Treatment goals often involve discovering the underlying cause and then executing a treatment plan to return the gum tissue to a more normal state.

What causes gingival hyperplasia

The most common causes are described below:

Poor oral hygiene / gum disease

Gum disease is a common periodontal problem caused by a buildup of plaque and gingivitis on the surface of the teeth and below the gumline. Over time, this buildup can irritate the gum tissue and cause a host of problems.

Not all gum disease patients experience the same symptoms. Some experience the loss of gum tissue, while others have excess gum tissue growth. The good news is that gum disease is treatable, and the damage caused by the disease can be reversed in many instances.

Gum disease treatment begins with addressing the underlying infection. Once the infection is stopped, we can correct the damage it has caused. In the case of gingival hyperplasia, our periodontists create a treatment plan to return the gum tissue to a more normal size.


Gingival hyperplasia is a potential side effect of several medications. While gum disease is the most common cause, a number of patients experience the condition as a result of a pharmaceutical they are currently taking. It can occur in a small percentage of people taking the following medications:

Antiseizure drugs: Used to treat patients who suffer from frequent seizures

Immunosuppressants: Used to treat transplant patients

Calcium channel blockers: Used to treat a variety of conditions, including high blood pressure, migraines, and panic attacks


We all inherit traits from our ancestors through our genetics. Unfortunately, a small percentage of people are predisposed to gum issues such as gingival hyperplasia. While there isn’t much to be done about the cause of the problem, we can certainly treat the symptoms and improve the health and aesthetics of the gum tissue.

Systemic Problems

Systemic problems can also cause gingival hyperplasia. It has been seen in patients suffering from:


Crohn's disease

Vitamin deficiencies (typically vitamin B or C)

Hormonal changes

In some people, hormonal changes experienced during puberty, pregnancy, or menopause bring on gingival hyperplasia symptoms. It’s worth mentioning that gingival hyperplasia due to hormonal changes is rare and not something most people need to worry about.

We can help

At Sacramento Periodontics, we have decades of experience treating gingival hyperplasia. You can trust that we will take the time to identify the cause of your problem and ensure that you are comfortable with the treatment plan options. We believe every patient deserves our complete attention and the best care we can provide. Contact us today to schedule a consultation.


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