Scaling And Root Planing

scaling and root planing consultation

Periodontal disease is a serious illness that can create a range of health consequences, including gum inflammation and tooth loss. As periodontists, we have dedicated our careers to preventing, diagnosing, and treating this disease.

Over time, periodontists have found several methods of treating periodontal disease. Scaling and root planing are two of our most important treatments. This article will discuss the procedures in detail and describe some of the benefits that will be derived from them.

What are scaling and root planing?

As mentioned above, scaling and planing are treatments for periodontal disease. They are also sometimes called “deep cleaning.”

As you may know, periodontal disease is an infection that causes the teeth to pull away from the gums in a process called gum recession. This process creates a larger-than-normal space between the teeth and gums. So-called “deep pockets” trap bacteria and calculus, worsening the disease over time.

Deep cleaning is a method we use to clean the teeth and root surfaces. Scaling involves removing plaque and tartar from the teeth and from just below the gum line. Root planing, on the other hand, involves smoothing the roots of the teeth to help encourage the gums to reattach. By encouraging the gums to reattach to the teeth, we reduce the size of the deep pockets and reverse the progression of the patient’s periodontal disease.


Put simply, deep cleaning is designed to stop the progression of periodontal disease. Following these treatments, our patients should experience:

Reduced gum inflammation: The gums can become red and inflamed in the early stages of periodontal disease (often called “gingivitis”). Gum inflammation occurs because an active infection is present. By cleaning the teeth surfaces and below the gumline, we remove bacteria and help to return the gums to a more normal state. Once the infection is treated, the gums become less red and inflamed.

Improved breath: As mentioned, periodontal disease is an infection of the gum tissue. The infection harbors odor-causing bacteria that can lead to a condition called halitosis (chronic bad breath). Removing the odor-causing bacteria also treats halitosis and significantly improves bad breath symptoms.

Stronger teeth: Periodontal disease attacks the gum tissue and the underlying bone. Together, the gums and the bone hold the teeth in place, giving them strength and stability. As periodontal disease progresses, the gums recede, and the bone is lost. If left untreated, the teeth loosen and eventually fall out. By treating the periodontal disease and stopping its progression, we preserve tooth stability and ensure that the teeth remain healthy for as long as possible.

Better health overall: Recent scientific studies indicate that periodontal disease increases your likelihood of developing certain chronic illnesses, especially heart disease and diabetes. By treating your periodontal disease, you are also improving your overall health.


Scaling and planing are excellent treatments for early-stage periodontal disease. Patients who have more advanced periodontal disease may want to consider a more aggressive treatment such as LANAP laser treatment.

LANAP laser treatment is similar to traditional periodontal disease surgery, except that it does not involve any cutting or sewing of the gum tissue. We can achieve similar results with less pain and faster recovery as compared to traditional surgery.

We are scaling and root planing experts.

At Sacramento Periodontics, our periodontists have over 30 years of experience diagnosing and treating periodontal disease. We can help you get your gums under control and put a smile back on your face. Contact us today to set up a consultation.


Exposed Tooth Root And Gum Recession


Receding Gum On One Tooth